Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So the TV was running triathlon on Monday

Berlin - Loud as the yawning duel between Merkel and Steinmeier went there yesterday evening at the TV "triathlon" of the opposition.
The leading candidate Guido Westerwelle (FDP), Jürgen Trittin (Greens) and Oskar Lafontaine (left diced) is the exchange of blows in the ARD after forces. Westerwelle accused the Left, they call the "Marxist world revolution". Lafon betaines countered that the FDP would lead to low wage labor.
Agreed were the three only in their criticism of the government, such as the No to the pension age to 67 New power-alternative but show not to: Westerwelle graduated from a traffic light with the SPD and the Greens again. Trittin issued an alliance with the CDU and FDP a clear rejection: The Greens stood not as a "lapdog" of black and yellow available, would therefore "the steamer is not available to Jamaica."
Conclusion: If there are not enough for black and yellow, it would probably end in black and red. What might like Merkel and Steinmeier, even if they claim the opposite.
Also interesting: Cuddle course with the Registrar duel> Only 14.18 million watched duel Chancellor>

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Höhner singer pilgrimage to the King

Cologne -
As someone meets a big dream: Hohn Henning Krautmacher on Wednesday flown to the U.S. - accompanied by his two friends, Walter and Heinz Holy broom.
The "Three Drecksäck" (self-promotion) want in the pick-up nozzle through the mainland of Blues and Country: "It is only to New Orleans, then to Memphis and Nashville," Kraut told maker.
And who to Memphis, is that also needs to Graceland pilgrimage site for all fans of the King of Rock'n'Roll Elvis Presley. "I'll take on all of our cases an extra locks opened heart," laughs Henning. So one of those love-locks, the Höhner sing in her latest hit "Give me your heart."
Apropos Höhner-love-lock: One was seen actually on the Harbour Bridge in Sydney. "From us it was not," ulkt the singer.
However, could the things in the coming weeks to spread fairly: Janus Fröhlich namely flies to Florida to visit his mother. Peter Werner Barcelona in sight, Jens fulva Lanzarote. Only Hannes Schöner not quite know where to go to the hell: "But certainly in the sun." No matter: For a "kölsches Hätz 'could always find a place ...
has lost his Hätz in Cologne bandmate John Parsons, who here considers quasi Holding the Fort: "I am moving, I finally found my Frechen dream home." He will now fulfill another dream: the installation of a separate studio.
From 13 March's go back then for the Höhner TECHNIQUE powerful round: "In Munich, a sneak preview of our new tour starts on 16 March, we all fly to Fuerteventura - to record the ZDF-spring show, "says Henning. And then the guys at Easter flutter gene Riesa (near Leipzig) - Florian Silbereisen to Spring Festival of Folk Music ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Michelin workers hold four managers

Paris - because the French tire manufacturer Michelin has terminated an employee, kept his colleagues applied four managers of the company trapped for hours in her office.
About 60 employees would have included the director of the plant in Blanzy and three other managers from 18 clock until after midnight in an office, it said. The reason for the renewed hostage-taking was the dismissal of an employee. He had refused to operate machinery, for which he was not trained. Therefore, he had been terminated, declared trade union representatives of the French daily newspaper Le Parisien.
After the plant management willing to negotiate further explained that the four managers were released. Actually, the tire maker had planned to strike at the plant in Burgung nearly 500 points. In recent months, there was fear of job loss repeatedly Unruuhen and hostage-taking in French companies.
Also read: factory workers threaten to blow>