Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So the TV was running triathlon on Monday

Berlin - Loud as the yawning duel between Merkel and Steinmeier went there yesterday evening at the TV "triathlon" of the opposition.
The leading candidate Guido Westerwelle (FDP), Jürgen Trittin (Greens) and Oskar Lafontaine (left diced) is the exchange of blows in the ARD after forces. Westerwelle accused the Left, they call the "Marxist world revolution". Lafon betaines countered that the FDP would lead to low wage labor.
Agreed were the three only in their criticism of the government, such as the No to the pension age to 67 New power-alternative but show not to: Westerwelle graduated from a traffic light with the SPD and the Greens again. Trittin issued an alliance with the CDU and FDP a clear rejection: The Greens stood not as a "lapdog" of black and yellow available, would therefore "the steamer is not available to Jamaica."
Conclusion: If there are not enough for black and yellow, it would probably end in black and red. What might like Merkel and Steinmeier, even if they claim the opposite.
Also interesting: Cuddle course with the Registrar duel> Only 14.18 million watched duel Chancellor>