Friday, April 23, 2010

Jacko accuser, Evan Chandler († 65): Suicide!

New Jersey --
For 13 months, they were arguing in court, the investigation lasted over six years, now they are both under the earth: Michael Jackson († 50) and Evan Chandler († 65). The father of Jordy Chandler had accused the King of Pop in the early 90s to have abused his son. Only five months after the death of Jacko, the dentist was following him into the hereafter.
The physician, who died according to the British newspaper The Sun, "after some plastic surgery was almost unrecognizable, on 5 November by a head shot. The police suspects that Chandler has committed suicide: The dead man lay on his bed in a luxury building in New Jersey, the gun still in hand!
"He left no suicide note. But the officials on the ground were many drugs that may indicate a serious health condition", police said. Chandler had missed an appointment with the doctor, the doctor why the staff of the residential complex, asked after the to look right.
Jordy Chandler today (29), had always distanced himself from his parents, three years ago imposed a restraining order against his father. He had brought the allegations against Jackson, as Jordy was 13 years old. The indictment was the first in a series of abuse allegations against the King of Pop.
What followed were years of investigations against Jacko, which ultimately ended with a comparison: Michael Jackson paid well 20 million U.S. dollars to Jordy and his family. The former Santa Barbara County Sheriff Jim Thomas said the "Sun" now: "Everyone involved in this whole saga suffered a tragic fate."
Also of interest
Prince Michael Jacko's skin disease
Joe Jackson in court for bankruptcy
Now comes the Jackson-Soap