Friday, May 28, 2010

He called me "little sister jail"

New York / Dallas - The jailed ex-girlfriend of basketball superstar Dirk Nowitzki (30) - now grabs from Crystal Taylor.
He stated the 37-year-old expected a Kindvon him.
Crystal Taylor told the newspaper "TheDallas festgestelltworden Morning News" in an interview from prison, was ihreSchwangerschaft by two tests at the briefing. She had been "approximately four to four and a half weeks" pregnant.
The newspaper sought in vain for confirmation, as she wrote Inits Wednesday edition. Information on the Gesundheitszustandvon prisoners had confidential, however, it was said of the prison.
   The alleged scammer was arrested about two weeks ago in NowitzkisHaus in Dallas. Against them were two Haftbefehlevor. Besides her fraud violations of the conditions of probation einerfrüheren be criticized.
   By organized by her mother interview from Beaumont, Texas derHaftanstalt pursued Taylor a goal: "Ichhoffe that is Dirk and helps me when he reads the article." Since she was led away by police, they have neither persönlichnoch indirectly by him heard. Their attempt to contact him was failed because he had changed his phone number.
   "I know Dirk for seven years," Taylor told the newspaper. Siesei engaged with him and had him on 18 want to marry in July. "No, I have not told him everything from my past," sagtesie. "I was scared." However, Nowitzki had known about früherenVerhaftungen and therefore in the fun sometimes his "kleineKnastschwester called, said Taylor.
   During the conversation she repeatedly sobbed aloud, schriebdas sheet. "Now I am pregnant and alone and bankrupt dennaußer through him I can not get money."
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